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Hiker at top of cliff by the ocean with triumphant hands up in the air at sunset

Aspirations Drive Behavior

August 11, 2024 by

Matt Hudson

As advertisers, it’s easy to fall into the trap of focusing solely on promoting how great our products or services are. After all, it’s our baby and we want to show it off. We’ve spent countless hours building this business and want potential new customers to know just how innovative or high-quality our offerings are. But in business, like with babies, you love it and think it’s prettier than others do. 

In reality, most consumers care more about how you can help them or make them better rather than how good your business is. Yes, I understand one leads to another, but it’s a matter of messaging. Consumers want to know how your products or services can help them achieve their goals, fulfill their aspirations, or simply make their lives easier or more enjoyable. As advertisers, we need to shift our focus from promoting our own greatness to helping people become who they aspire to be. By tapping into people’s aspirations, you can create a deeper connection with your audience and make your marketing efforts more impactful.

Here are a few reasons why focusing on consumers’ aspirations can be more effective than solely promoting your business:

  1. Aspirations Drive Behavior – People are motivated by their aspirations – the things they hope to achieve, the person they want to become, or the lifestyle they want to lead. When you tap into those aspirations in your marketing, you’re speaking to something that is core to their identity and driving their behavior. In other words, people are more likely to act based on what they aspire to be than on how good your business is.
  2. It Creates Emotional Connections – When you speak to people’s aspirations, you’re speaking to their emotions. People are more likely to remember and engage with your marketing efforts when they connect with them on an emotional level. By tapping into what people aspire to be, you’re creating a deeper, emotional connection with your audience that can lead to long-term loyalty and advocacy.
  3. It Aligns with Values – Aspirations are often tied to values – the things that people hold most dear. By tapping into people’s aspirations, you’re showing that you understand and share their values. When people feel that a brand aligns with their values, they’re more likely to support that brand and its products or services.

So, how can you tap into people’s aspirations in your marketing efforts? Here are a few tips:

  1. Know Your Audience – To tap into people’s aspirations, you need to understand who they are and what they want. Conduct market research, create customer personas, and listen to feedback to get a better understanding of your audience’s aspirations. Listen.
  2. Identify the Aspiration – Once you understand your audience, identify the aspiration you want to tap into. Is it a desire for success? A desire for happiness? A desire for adventure? Once you know their aspirations, you can tailor your marketing efforts to speak to them.
  3. Create Compelling Messaging – Your messaging should focus on the aspiration, not just on the product or service you’re promoting. Use language and imagery that speaks to the aspiration and show how your product or service can help people achieve it.
  4. Use Social Proof – Social proof, such as customer testimonials and case studies, can be a powerful way to tap into people’s aspirations. When people see others who have achieved what they aspire to be, they’re more likely to believe that they can achieve it too.

By shifting your focus from how good your business is to what people aspire to be, you can create more effective connections with potential new customers.